Dragon Con 2009

Dragon Con 2009

DC2009_Costumes_117 The annual Dragon*Con convention kicked off today in downtown Atlanta, GA. It has been pretty good so far; good panels and some great costumes. But it already seems a bit busy- and this isn�t even the weekend- and I have a feeling I am going to be dreading some of the panel lines by tomorrow.

I will be posting twitter updates and I occasionally will be uploading pictures to my Flickr account- so check back if you want to see what is happening at �The Con�.

On another note- the Seidio 1400mAh Extended Battery for the G1 cannot cut it for a full day at the con; It was completely dead by 3:30pm and I went to the car and charged it to 50%- it was dead again by 8:00pm� I am taking two 2300mAh G1 extended batteries tomorrow- in addition to the 1400mAh (as a 3rd tier backup battery).

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