laptop keyboard damage identification

before to make sure your keyboard is broken and must buy a new good idea to try these tips, these tips only for those who advance in the field of electronic

few signs of damage on the keyboard:
  • there is one of numbers or letters that do not work / line can also
  • sounding at the time of booting the OS (the keyboard Sticky)
  • not detective totally broken keyboard fuse (on main board)
  • etc
it does not work a keyboard can be caused broken keyboard, or due to a problematic laptop machine to detect the problem following the steps you should do.
  • check the keyboard connector, See conditions solder legs re-solder the socket if tenuous, clean the dirty fluid from the former solderan with thinner or liquid IPA
  • check reply path pcb, whether there is a damaged or broken if there is a re-solder and connect the end.
  • there are several brands of laptops that use a parallel capacitor and resistor as a filter, if any re solder. be careful not to solder some fused between each other. use a magnifying glass to see the results solder.
  • tracking the path of the socket until to component active,
most laptops if the keyboard is not functioning properly, but when the change still does not work the case must exist in the IC control input data, for periodic maintenance please clean your laptop keyboard for the dust away to prevent damage to the laptop keyboard.

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